Devrai in Maharashtra
Devrai – God’s Forest
Gods in Devrai
Idols of God in Devrai
Sacred groves devrai in Maharashtra
Devrai in Maharashtra

What is Sacred Grove Devrai in Maharashtra?

What is Devrai forest also known as?

What is a concept of Devrai?
Sacred Groves

What is the biodiversity of sacred groves of Maharashtra?

Biodiversity in Sacred Groves
Biodiversity in Sacred Groves
Conservation of biodiversity
Conservation of biodiversity
  • They act as a repository for various Ayurvedic medicines. Other uses involve a source of replenishable resources like fruits and honey.
  • They play a crucial role in regenerating the water table as they happen to be the source of a number of rivers, streams and rivulets in the district.
  • Sacred groves often contain plant and animal species that have become extinct in neighboring areas. They therefore harbor great genetic diversity. 
  • Because of the taboo to hunt or chop any wood in sacred groves, the vegetation cover helps reduce soil erosion and prevents desertification.
Why is Devrai important?
Imporatance of Devrai in Maharashtra
Sacred Grove in Maharashtra
Bhimashankar Wildlife

Sacred groves in Maharashtra list

What are the Threats to the Sacred Groves?

Why is Devrai important in Maharashtra?
Threat to Devrai
Local Communities in Maharashtra
Local Communities

How to Protect Devrai Sacred Grove?

Thoughts about DEVRAI

They do not want elaborate clothes, jewelleries or other offerings. The only offering they want is respect for the mother nature.


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